I build and run your ERP software integrations


So you can focus on your main business and leave custom stuff to me.


Kotlin Spring Boot Redis AWS Cloudflare New Relic PostgreSQL Datadog Healthchecks.io Papertrail

Technology stack I use today that took over 10 years of industry experience and experimentation to settle on.

All integrations run on Elastic Beanstalk for automatic environments and easy deployment.
Strongly typed and performant programming language, runs on JVM next to Java.
Spring Boot
Leading Java/Kotlin backend application framework.
High performance distributed in-memory cache and message broker.
For the purpose of integrations I'm using it as a firewall.
For other purposes I use it extensively too. For instance this page is hosted on Cloudflare Pages.
For all database purposes this is my database engine of choice.
New Relic
I strongly care about performance of all my code. Can't get much insights into it without APM tools like New Relic.
Metrics and monitoring of all integrations and application servers.
I would be blind without real-time logging provided by Papertrail.
A tiny yet critically important tool which notifies me the very instant any of the integrations misbehave.


A flat fee of 200€/month for every running integration.
I do not charge for time taken to implement the integration, but buying out to run on your own infrastructure would cost extra, as I expect to make profit off running integrations for many months.
